Lexy Banuelos dance journey began under the guidance of renowned mentors Travis Preston and Tatum Wright. From a young age, Lexy’s undeniable talent and fervor for dance led her to embrace a wide range of styles, including Lyrical/Contemporary, Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballet, and Technique. Her commitment and hard work paid off as she joined Elite dance teams and showcased her skills in various competitions. As a soloist, Lexy’s performances consistently earned her numerous awards, reflecting her exceptional abilities and dedication to her craft. Lexy’s dance journey eventually led her to “Just Plain Dancin” in Riverside, CA, where she was fortunate to be mentored by industry stalwarts Terry Shulke and Mandy Rodgers. Under their guidance, she refined her skills even further. Lexy’s pursuit of excellence in dance led her to Los Angeles, where she sought to enhance her skills by learning from some of the most well-known choreographers in the industry. Her determination and enthusiasm didn’t go unnoticed, as she was given the opportunity to assist and provide private lessons at just 14 years old—a testament to her talent and maturity beyond her years. Over the years, Lexy’s expertise and teaching capabilities flourished. She extended her reach to instructing competition teams, recital classes, and solo performances at Studio 31, leaving an indelible mark on aspiring dancers. Her influence also extended to the Lakeside High School Varsity Dance Team, where she shared her knowledge and passion for dance. With great excitement Lexy is joining our ranks and bringing her passion, talent, and enthusiasm to our dance community.